October 28, 2008

Money well spent

Addi was playing with my cell-phone on the floor today, when I heard my text message alert. This is what my message said, "AT&T Free Message - Thank u 4 ur purchase! Go to Menu>Mystuff to find ur game." Hmmm...I'm sure that will be a useful purchase. Silly girl.


Mere Ware said...

This is the most random comment I have ever left someone that I don't know...I got to your blog through Katie Cassady's, I went to college with her.
Anyway...We drove by the Morning Woods sign when we were visiting my husband's family one day!!! Are you kidding me? Ridiculous! We tell people about it all the time! I love that you posted about it on your blog!

Mandy said...

Viv called Matt last night on my cell phone and I didn't even know it until he told me later. He said she was just babbling to him. Pretty funny! Good thing Viv and Addi don't have each other's numbers.