Addi is 16 1/2 months and getting cuter and cuter everyday! These are just some of the things that she is doing, that make us fall in love everyday...
1. We adore the fact that you will scoot your little bottom across the hardwood floor and yell, "Wee!!"
2. Anytime we give you a tissue, you make a point to clean not only your own nose, but anyone else's in the room.
3. You absolutely LOVE Elmo, and will stop dead in your tracks when you hear "Elmo's World".
4. You get so excited anytime you see a frog, and will say "Wibbet".
5. You still love to be held and loved on.
6. You love to give kisses and will even take time to kiss all of your toys before bed.
7. You absolutely love being outside, and it is nearly impossible to get you to come back in.
8. I love that you know when something is trash, and will bring it to us to have it thrown away.
9. I love that you love to be chased, and that you love it when your daddy jumps out to "scare" you. The surprise on your face is priceless! I have NO idea who you inherited this from.
10. I love that you know how to smell the flowers.
11. It is so sweet when you want to touch Daddy's "stickers" on his face.
12. You are such a good helper! Thank you for helping mommy and daddy clean-up all your toys.
13. I love it that your first two-syllable word was "el-bow", and pointed to mommy's as I was changing your diaper one morning.
14. You are still such an awesome sleeper!! You sleep 12 hours every night!!
15. We love your sweet laugh, and love that you love to be tickled so we can hear it all the time.
You are such a blessing Addisyn. You bring so much joy to all who know you, and have the privledge to be around you. Thank you for being such a bright star in our lives. We love you so much bigger than our small words can tell you.
Mommy and Daddy
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
I can't believe she sleeps 12 hours a night. That would be a miracle over here. You haven't hit molars yet, though. ;)
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