May 6, 2008

D is for....Derailed!!

Okay, so when I started this blog, I just knew that the only thing that I would ever think to blog about would be Addisyn. Well, something happened yesterday at work that I just had to share with you...

So, I pick up a patient-chart of an adult-male. The chief-complaint says "Sore throat". Aw...easy. Should be in and out. So, I trot myself in the room, take a brief history, tell the patient that he indeed has a monster-case of tonsilitis, as well as an ear infection. I let him know that antibiotics should clear him right up, and I'm half-way out the door when I hear the dreaded phrase, "Oh, by the way doc...". Those of you in the medical field know that this is NEVER good, and almost ALWAYS involves a close inspection of the "nether-regions". I feel that inevitable shudder, and I slowly close the door again.

The patient proceeds to tell me, "I think I might have the Herp". The silent bubble above my head screaming "Ugh...I knew it!"
Me: "okay sir, let me step out of the room while you get undressed. Here is a gown. I need you to undress from the waist down, and I will be back in just a moment."
Okay, so fast-forward five minutes or so. I grab my nurse to come assist me with this exam. Walk in the room, and I swear to you, the patient is standing there, butt-naked with the exception of his cowboy boots, and ten-gallon cowboy-hat! I was so caught off guard, and lost for words, that before I could stop myself I had said, "Oh...(long pause) do you keep those boots on for everything?"!!! Can you believe that! I turned like, five shades of red! What an idiot!

I apologize for the incredibly poor taste of this blog, but I just had to share with all of you, my ultimate patient faux-paux. Have a great-day guys!


suzspeaks said...

OH MY WORD!!! That is so funny!! I'm sure a little traumatic for you - but funny!

Heather said...

That is mortifying and hilarious at the same time!! You poor thing--I feel for you!!

Mandy said...

That story is worth the derailing. You are very brave!

kj said...

TOO FUNNY!!!! So....tell us more, did he have herpes?? This is like real life Grey's! I love it!!!

DeeDee said...

that is so funnt! what was his response?

Andrea said...

Oh my!!! I think I would just have busted out laughing, which would have been just as bad!

crys said...

omigosh, amy!
glad i found your blog 'cause that story made my, evening-ish, past midnight day!! ha

EandJTrygg said...

I've been there, done that, and hope to never have to do it again. However, I'm on ER this month and anything is possible.

Shelby said...

I love it! You said exactly what popped into your head! You are ya

Summer said...

I love all things in poor tase and I especially love this story - awesome.

Gena said...

Erick and I are dying laughing right now. We didn't know there was such a thing as 'the herp.' Too funny.